Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sharing Fourviere Moments

After each pilgrimage, we take some time sharing what we were touched by. Hands down -- the hospitality of the French community at St. Foy was spoken of almost as much as our Mass at the chapel at Fourviere. Of course, we didn't say Mass in the big Basilica (pictured yesterday) -- that wasn't even there during Colin's time. We said Mass in the smaller chapel next to it. This was the place of our foundation.

The focal point of the Chapel is a statue of the Black Madonna. Statues and paintings of the "black Madonna" has been around since before the Middle Ages. (If interested, look up Song of Songs 1:5 to get a sense of why. Yes, newmanites, you have to do some work for this blog!)

It was interesting to hear how each Marist was impressed by the same things. I guess we're more alike than we think.

The other big feat of the day was doing laundry. Things are a little slower than we're used and there is no dryer. UGH! I've got wet clothes hanging all over my room because the lines in the laundry room are full -- I'll not give a picture of that.

I'll be praying for all of you who will be on the camping retreat this weekend. May the Holy SPirit be present to you and all and especially the St. Joseph House as they lead it.

A couple of pictures of our walk through Fourviere / Lyons to close with.

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