Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sabbath Rest

(Marist General House in Rome. It was very quiet here today.)

The local Marist community in Rome abandoned us today! They went on a planned 'play day.' They drove to Orvieto for a recreation day -- well deserved. The few renewalists who remained in the house figured out how to work things, got laundry done, and endured the heat. It's hot here! A few like Fr. Ron ventured out in the heat. He's not home yet, so I don't know if he survived.

So, that means there is not much to share about the day. Of course, we had Mass and a meal. But otherwise, it was quiet for me

The 3 Americans did venture out last evening, however, to visit a few piazzas and to find some pizza for Fr. Ron. Tomorrow we take a train to Assisi for a vist to the Basilica and we'll have Mass together at the Church of Santo Stefano. We'll leave early for a two hour train ride. No doubt, the train will be warm as well. I'll revel in the cooler climes of SLO when I get home.

Here's a couple of images from last night's piazza visits. As you can see lots of folks were strolling around in the evening.

(Parching thirst in the heat of the afternoon.)

(Pantheon -- originally a temple to all gods. Now a Catholic Church ot the Marytrs.)

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